“Magico Di Notte”, 50x35, 2024
“L’étrange témoignage de Jacque martin”, screenprint 3 layers 2023
"The average joe fisherman" “, a serie of fishing lures, 2024
The Scialla Project 2023-?
Page of “The perfect’s stories”, 2024, soon...
"Cowboy fun fact", 40x60 , 2024,  acrylique, airbrush
Painting for the “Perfect Stories”,  an edition in collaboration with Perfect Design, in progress, 40x34 airbrush, acrylique 
Risographie poncho texas, A3, 23 print, 2023
Painting for “Poncho texas”  25 pages, 2023, airbrush acrylique 
“Untilted” participation in "éclat" the collective edition of the hear illustration workshop, 2023, airbrush, acrylique 80x60
“Be kind Rewind”, 20 pages, 2022
“Poncho Texas” 30 pages, 2023
“Here comes the Cowboy” 20 pages, 2023
"Backhoe" 15 pages, 2022